Sunday, October 16, 2011

Morning of 10/17/11, Taiwan

I had two dreams this morning after I went back to sleep.

The first seemed to take place in the early 20th century or the late 19th century. I was some kind of maid, seems to be in Spain, and I was helping an oil painter and sculptor named Diego Monteverde (or something) who was very young and handsome. I seemed to be very frumpy. He had a big art opening and I was treated like a VIP, to my surprise, and he ended up proposing to me at the party. Everyone applauded and I started to receive threatening glances and approbations from his mother. Later on I find out that she had chained me unwillingly and was keeping me prisoner.

In the second one, there was a beautiful flower in the garden that seemed to be guarded by Brenden Le who was just hanging around looking at it. He seemed to recognize me and looked to be guarding it. To bait him I ran over to pick it and ran into the party being held at the building and he chased me. Turns out I was working for NCIS at the party and everyone knew me so he was very surprised. I started picking the flower apart and giving it to people to wear as boutinnieres.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Night of 6/20/2011

Had a dream that it was nighttime and I was at Old Navy in Factoria...Pauley Perrette was there and telling me to get to class becuase I was going to be late. I drove to BCC to take my math class and found out that I was the only one in the class to get 100%. It also occurred to me that I was betrothed to a Korean guy in the class, and his family was going to expect me to be a good little housewife. We were telling everyone in the class what we would do if we forgot our homework (everyone else had their mothers come but for some reason I had no one), and I said that my mother had betrothed me to the Korean guy. The guy seated behind me in class put his arms around me and said I'd be safe and that he'd take care of me if I didn't want to marry the Korean guy and for some reason I felt happy. Our friends were mad becuase they thought he was leading me on, and then he asked me if I could give him and his bodyguards a ride home (everyone in the class was rich but me). I was driving him home but someone attacked my car and put them all to sleep...and then I woke up.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Night of May 27, 2011

Yesterday night I dreamed that I was in a club for someone's birthday. At the bar I saw Tara Reid who told me she was dating a Sedin brother? Then later on I started talking to someone who turned out to be a singer. We leave the club and get on the subway, where there are two Korean girls. The singer took out his guitar to play and one of the Korean girls did too. The singer tried to play along with the Korean girls but every time he joined in they would stop and glare at him. Then someone across from them inspected their case and it turned out they had a ton of cocaine hidden in the case. A bunch of them promptly held the rest of the train up and somehow we crossed from a NYCesque landscape into 1950s Taiwan, but it was in a blizzard. They ushered some of us into the train car ahead so that we could make some kind of exchange in a shack for them. Once there we were taken hostage by some sort of generalissimo and all taken to his camp. A bunch of us lied about who we were so that instead of killing us he assigned us to various duties. I managed to get sent on a mission back into the city and escaped on foot into the blizzard with someone else. After being spotted by a police officer, a woman came out of the vehicle (who looked like my mom) and while I kept my head down and hid behind a bicycle, they found us. but some passing people came and were hiding with us, and one talked us out of getting in trouble with the police. It then flashed to a while later where he and I seem to be financially and legally stable, and he proposed to me.