Sunday, October 16, 2011

Morning of 10/17/11, Taiwan

I had two dreams this morning after I went back to sleep.

The first seemed to take place in the early 20th century or the late 19th century. I was some kind of maid, seems to be in Spain, and I was helping an oil painter and sculptor named Diego Monteverde (or something) who was very young and handsome. I seemed to be very frumpy. He had a big art opening and I was treated like a VIP, to my surprise, and he ended up proposing to me at the party. Everyone applauded and I started to receive threatening glances and approbations from his mother. Later on I find out that she had chained me unwillingly and was keeping me prisoner.

In the second one, there was a beautiful flower in the garden that seemed to be guarded by Brenden Le who was just hanging around looking at it. He seemed to recognize me and looked to be guarding it. To bait him I ran over to pick it and ran into the party being held at the building and he chased me. Turns out I was working for NCIS at the party and everyone knew me so he was very surprised. I started picking the flower apart and giving it to people to wear as boutinnieres.